Saturday, December 17, 2016


I didn't had fear
And I wanted to have
I travelled far and high
In search of fear
But couldn't find one.

I wandered alone in
the sprawling city streets
I walked in dark on
the unlit city streets
But couldn't find one.

I hiked to hills
looked up and down
But I could see only
sky up, land down
There was no fear.

I rappelled, climbed
trusting only the rope
holding me in air
I bungee jumped
But didn't see fear.

I dared to fight,
dared to question
suffered the penalty
Hoped, fear will help
But it was not to.

I loved without fear
I hated, but not afraid
But I was alone in
my journey all the way
Not even fear for company.


Finally I got fear!
when I got loved ones
Fear of loosing them
Fear of not being for them
Gripped me tightly!

Now when I try to let
me off the harness
Heart thumps and
hands won't leave
And I was afraid!

I am happy now
Being able to find
The FEAR, because
I know, living without
one is Dangerous!

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